Come meet the 2021-2022 NSBE UW executive board:


The Instructional Center's mission is to "promote the academic achievement, retention and successful graduation of under-represented minority, first-generation college and economically disadvantaged students and to improve their chances of gaining admission to graduate and professional schools."

Engineering Academic Center (EAC)
"The Engineering Academic Center (EAC) is a place where white boards are brimming with equations worked over by students to hone the skills they need to succeed in introductory math, physics or chemistry courses."
Louis Stoke Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP)
"The purpose of LSAMP is to integrate academic and social supports to build community, engage underrepresented minority (URM) students in undergraduate research, and increase their entry into advanced STEM degree programs and professional careers. By affiliating with LSAMP, current students have access to internships, paid research opportunities and much more."

Grad Student Equity and Excellence (GSEE)
"Provides leadership and advocacy to achieve equitable representation, access and success for graduate students of color at the University of Washington."

Office of Minority Affairs & Diversity (OMA&D)
"We create pathways for diverse populations to access postsecondary opportunities, nurture and support their academic success, and cultivate a campus climate that enriches the educational experience for all."

Center for Learning and Undergraduate Enrichment (CLUE)
"Available to all Seattle campus undergraduates, the Center for Learning and Undergraduate Enrichment (CLUE) is the largest free tutoring program at the UW. We provide tutoring for Math, Chemistry, Physics, Writing, Biology, Economics, Statistics, and Computer Science & Engineering. "

Office of Inclusive Excellence (OIE)​
"Established in 2022, OIE leads strategic, policy-focused changes to transform the culture of the College of Engineering by embedding DEI best practices throughout our communities and improving structures that enable DEI initiatives to succeed. Our expansive work includes supporting student development, providing leadership training, and growing our population of students with diverse backgrounds."