Come meet the 2021-2022 NSBE UW executive board:

43rd Annual Diversity Career Fair (In-Person)
Wednesday, January 24, 2024
3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
University of Washington (Seattle Campus)
Husky Union Building (HUB) Ballrooms - 2nd Floor
4001 E. Stevens Way NE, Seattle, WA 98195-2230
$895 (Business & Industry)
$695 (Government & Non-Profit)
Information for Employers:
The Diversity Career Fair is open to "ALL EMPLOYERS," and has a proven reputation as a stable source of recruitment for employers who are committed to building a diversified workforce. This career fair connects employers that embrace a culture of inclusivity and belonging for all, with the talented students at the University of Washington. More than 1200 students from all academic disciplines to include STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics), Business Administration, Education, and the Arts & Sciences attend the fair to find out about jobs and internships.
Build a reputation as an employer that values an inclusive, accessible work environment where everyone belongs and is empowered to succeed
Showcase your brand
Identify and expand your talent pool to recruit and and retain a diverse workforce
How to Stand Out at the Career Fair
Represent Your Space Well. Display your company name and logo on banners and promotional materials.
Recruiters should wear name tags and have plenty of business cards on hand so potential applicants can reach out after the event.
Use Technology. Set-up a laptop so attendees can view your organizations’s culture. If you have photos of the work environment, video testimonial from current employees, and other media that shows the organization in a positive light, make sure it’s on display for attendees to see.
Be Friendly and Engaging. Stand in front of the booth and initiate conversations as attendees pass by.
Offer company giveaways. Acceptable swag include, but is not limited to: T-shirts, hats, coffee mugs, water bottles, key chains, mousepads, chapstick, hand sanitizer, tote bag, and phone accessories.
Announce upcoming job fairs you're attending on company website, social media profile.
Registration Process:
You must pre-register and pre-pay. Space is limited and reservations accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Registration Includes:
6ft Table & Two Chairs
Pre-Career Fair Marketing
Power (limited available through registration on Handshake)
Refreshments in private employer room (Veg and Gluten-Free options)
Diversity Recruiting Resource:
Career & Internship Center Toolkit
Registration will be managed through Handshake
Questions: Please contact Yaffet Bedru at uwnsbe@uw.edu